After a group of thieves broke into a construction and electrical company in Los Angeles on Wednesday morning, the company owner is now regretting voting for Democrats. Speaking to Fox 11 Los Angeles, the owner of Delta Construction and Electric Co., Ryan Baggaley, called out Democratic leaders for failing to protect business owners from break-ins even as it becomes a serious issue.

From L.A. Mayor Karen Bass to California Gov. Gavin Newsom to President Joe Biden, Baggaley believes there is a failure in leadership, and that is why business owners like himself continue to suffer from break-ins.

“This whole strip has been broken into, our neighbors have been broken into four times, these guys just got broken into two months ago,” he said of his street. “What are we supposed to do? We’re a small construction company.”

“I voted for Karen Bass. I voted for Biden. I voted for Gavin Newsom. I’m sick of it,” he said, going on to suggest that he has no reason to vote for these people again should they launch a reelection bid.

“We just do our jobs, make a living, help our employees make a good living, and move on, but it’s really freaking difficult to survive,” he said further.

As seen in surveillance footage, 10 to 15 thieves smashed through the gate of Baggaley’s business with a Kia Soul and then broke into the building. Per Fox 11, the thieves carted away with all they could get their hands on, stealing and damaging goods and equipment worth thousands of dollars.

While Baggaley moved quickly and asked his wife to call the police, having been notified of the break-in by his alarm system, officers did not make it in time to catch the burglars. According to the business owner, police did not get there until after two hours, as they said, “We don’t have anyone in the area.”

“We’re like, ‘Now it’s been 15 minutes, then it’s 20 minutes and they’re still not here.’ It just kept going and they didn’t respond for two hours,” he said, recounting the incident to KTLA 5.

The vehicle they used to ram through the business’ gate was reportedly stolen from an LAPD impound yard, as police discovered due to a chalk mark on the window. However, authorities are yet to track down the suspects.

Baggaley’s loss comes amid a rise in organized theft in Los Angeles that has seen several business burgled. In August, the city launched a task force with the aim of combating the issue. While Bass promised that the task force will “aggressively investigate” retail thefts and robberies and hold the perpetrators “fully accountable,” no significant progress has been made.