A federal judge delivered victory to Texas and a coalition of gun rights organizations this week by temporarily blocking a gun control rule from the Biden administration regulating the sales of private firearms.

In his 14-page ruling, federal Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk barred the Biden administration from implementing a policy against Texas or members of some gun rights groups. In addition to requiring individuals who profit from gun sales to conduct background checks, the policy also requires them to have a federal firearms license regardless of where and how they sell guns.

According to Kacsmaryk, the Biden admin policy could be a violation of the Administrative Procedure Act and does not align with the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act despite the Justice Department citing them as justification to implement the rule.

“Plaintiffs understandably fear that these presumptions will trigger civil or criminal penalties for conduct deemed lawful just yesterday. Other Plaintiffs face both civil and criminal enforcement actions for engaging in conduct that the BSCA permits but the Final Rule impermissibly forbids,” Kacsmaryk wrote.

The judge’s ruling covers Texas, the Gun Owners of America, the Virginia Citizens Defense League, the Tennessee Firearms Association and the Gun Owners Foundation. It will put the policy, which broadly goes into effect on May 27, on hold until June 2 pending further litigation.

Louisiana, Utah and Mississippi also joined the lawsuit against the policy but Kacsmaryk did not issue the temporary injunction in their favor, as he ruled that they failed to demonstrate standing.

The ruling is a joy for many Republicans who argued that the rules infringe on Second Amendment rights of Americans. Many also took issue with the fact that the policy would make it a felony for family members or friends to sell firearms to each other without having a federal firearms license or conducting background checks.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton expressed relief over the ruling, saying, “I am relieved that we were able to secure a restraining order that will prevent this illegal rule from taking effect. The Biden Administration cannot unilaterally overturn Americans’ constitutional rights and nullify the Second Amendment.”

Gun Owners of America President Erich Pratt also celebrated the ruling, calling it “a compelling rebuke” of President Joe Biden and his administration’s “tyrannical and unconstitutional actions that purposely misinterpreted federal law to ensure their preferred policy outcome.”