Former President Donald Trump tried to win over skeptics at the Libertarians’ National Convention on Saturday night. The former president addressed a rowdy crowd at the event which was held at Libertarians’ National Convention from Sunday to Monday.

Trying to secure the Libertarian nomination and win over the crowd which is split between his supporters and some Libertarian skeptics, Trump brought up his indictment.

“In the last year, I’ve been indicted by the government on 91 different things. So if I wasn’t a libertarian before, I sure as hell am a Libertarian now,” he stated.

Trump said that he plans to release “limited government so that the people can have an unlimited future” and went on to promise the crowd that “United we will be unstoppable. If we unite, we are unstoppable.”
“Only endorse me if you want to win. If you want to lose, don’t do that. Keep getting your 3% every four years,” Trump also said.

The Republican presidential candidate went on to promise to vacate the sentence of Ross Ulbrict, the darknet marketplace Silk Road’s founder who has been in prison after his 2013 arrest. Trump had considered intervening to secure Ulbricht’s release during his presidency. However, he decided against the pardon in the end.

Trump’s request to receive the Libertarian nomination was reportedly met with boos and jeers at the event. Per the Washington Examiner, Libertarian Party presidential contender Chase Oliver laughed off Trump’s attempt to win over the party, saying, “If he thinks he’s going to win our party’s nomination, he’s more delusional than I thought.”

“… If Donald Trump thinks that he can come in here in our house and earn our nomination, he’s got another thing coming,” Oliver added.

Meanwhile, Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has qualified for the Libertarian Party’s nomination. While Trump was nominated by New Mexico Delegate Brian Poetter, he did not qualify as he is not a member of the party, according to the party spokeswoman Jennifer Haubein.