Former President Donald Trump took a swipe at President Joe Biden for going on too many vacations. According to Trump, Biden goes on too many vacations for a president.

During an interview with Breitbart News just before the New Year, the GOP presidential candidate said that the country would be in a much better place if Biden had just gone to the beach as much as he does now instead of working to cancel all of the policies he (Trump) put in place.

For him, the country would fare better “if Biden only would have gone to that beach he goes to so much and just sat there trying to lift the chair, which weighs about three ounces.”

Trump was responding to the vacation Biden went on with his family in St. Croix, the U.S. Virgin Islands. Drawing comparisons between his time as president and Biden’s tenure, he suggested that he was a president that took his job with him on vacations.

In his words, “I have to say, when I take vacations I’m always working. This is really the Southern White House. I have meetings left, right, and all day. Even if I’m playing golf, I’m always playing golf with somebody who is important like heads of countries, senators, et cetera. But it’s all work.”

In contrast to him, Trump said Biden does not meet anyone or even take phone calls when he goes on vacation.

“This guy takes a vacation and he doesn’t talk to anybody. They say, ‘He’ll call you in two or three weeks because he’s on vacation.’ Did you know that? People call him and they say he’ll try getting back to you in the next two to three weeks because he’s on vacation,” Trump revealed.

True to Trump’s words, he hosted meetings with world leaders and lawmakers at his vacation home in Mar-a-Lago during his time as president. The world leaders he hosted include Chinese president Xi Jinping and late ex-Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Biden, however, has taken lots of vacations where he did not see or talk to anyone in an official capacity. Per a report from The New York Post, the president has spent more than 130 days on vacation in different spots, including Camp David and Rehoboth Beach in Delaware. The total duration of vacations he has taken since he took office in January, 2021 reportedly adds up to over 400 days.

However, the White House continues to claim that Biden does his job even while on vacation.

In a statement to Deputy Press Secretary Olivia Dalton said, “The President has taken 16 days of vacation this year, and even on those days, he has worked. Over the Thanksgiving holiday, Americans saw the President hold a slew of foreign head of state calls before announcing a deal to release hostages from Gaza the very next day.”

“The fact is: the President works every single day of the week whether he is in Washington, Delaware, Camp David, or anywhere else — and those around him and reporters who cover him closely know that,” Dalton added.