Border reporters criticized California Gov. Gavin Newsom this week after he visited the U.S.-Mexico border and said that he deployed resources to help President Joe biden with his border crisis.

In a video shared to X, Newsom wrote, “We’re back down here at the border. Now we’re just down here with the National Guard meeting with Customs agents, as well as Border Patrol, talking about our partnerships. We have 390 National Guardsmen and women that have been working particularly as relates it relates to fentanyl here in the State of California.”

Newsom went on to blame the Republican Party for Biden’s border crisis, accusing GOP lawmakers of depriving officials of the resources needed to solve the illegal immigration problem.

“It’s time for them to stop playing politics. It’s time for the Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, to stop playing politics and do the right thing,” he added.

Newsom’s video was met with heavy criticism among border reporters, with Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin saying that he has not “seen one – not a single one – of these CA National Guard soldiers in Jacumba where the mass illegal crossings of adult men from around the world are taking place.”

Melugin, who is usually at the U.S.-Mexico border continued, “BP there so overwhelmed that the migrants wander aimlessly on highways and call Lyfts for themselves while waiting to be picked up, as San Diego sector now leads the nation in illegal crossings. I sent Gov. Newsom’s below post to a BP agent in Jacumba, who responded by laughing & telling me CA ‘isn’t doing s***’ to help them with illegal crossings there, and any soldiers that they see there are National Guard from other states working w/ DHS under federal Title 10 orders,” he added.

Manny Bayon, the President of the Border Patrol union’s San Diego area representation, also confirmed that he has never witnessed California National Guard helping Border Patrol agents.

“California Governor @GavinNewsom refuses to acknowledge the many illegal migrants pouring into California due to his policies he has in place. This is also sending a message to the world, come to California, a sanctuary state. We need help in stemming the flow of illegal migrants entering California, not rewarding illegal migrants with taxpayer funded programs,” he wrote.

“Governor, if you are serious about closing the California/ Mexico border, you would allow CA National guard to help us in enforcement operations. I would be glad to provide you a border tour so you can see for yourself,” Bayon added.

Per The Daily Wire, a third border reporter named Matt Finn wrote, “We’re at the CA border right now in Jacumba, Governor Newsom. We see migrants illegally crossing all hours of the day. From China, Iran, Yemen. Nepal. Haven’t seen a single CA National Guard over the past week.”