Shortly after independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr announced that he had selected leftist attorney and entrepreneur Nicole Shanahan as his vice presidential running mate, former President Donald Trump blasted him as “the most radical Left candidate in the race.”

Trump voiced his criticism in a post on Truth Social, in which he wrote, “RFK Jr. is the most Radical Left Candidate in the race, by far. He’s a big fan of the Green New Scam, and other economy killing disasters. I guess this would mean he is going to be taking votes from Crooked Joe Biden, which would be a great service to America.”

“His running mate, Nicole Shanahan, is even more ‘Liberal’ than him, if that’s possible. Kennedy is a Radical Left Democrat, and always will be!!! It’s great for MAGA, but the Communists will make it very hard for him to get on the Ballot. Expect him, and her, to be indicted any day now, probably for Environmental Fraud! He is Crooked Joe Biden’s Political Opponent, not mine. I love that he is running!” he added.

In his announcement, Kennedy, who has billed himself as “arguably the leading environmentalist in the country,” praised Shanahan, a Democratic donor who supported President Joe Biden’s campaign in 2020.

“I managed to find a technologist at the forefront of AI,” he stated.

Highlighting her expertise on technology and health issues, he said, “She has spent the last decade relying on neural networks, artificial intelligence, and cutting edge science to identify abuses in our government.”

“She understands that the health of every American is a national security issue and a national security risk. Her work has proven time and again that health drives our economy and it is the foundation of our mental health, our national happiness, our ability to lead the world and innovation and prosperity and at peace,” he added.

Kennedy claimed that the qualities that drove his choice were “a spiritual dimension and compassion and idealism.”

However, Democratic National Committee spokesperson Matt Corridoni pointed to a financial motivation during an interview with Fox News.

“RFK Jr hasn’t been looking for someone who can step up to lead in a time of crisis, he’s been looking for someone who can infuse his campaign with cash as he tries to buy his way onto the ballot to be a spoiler for Donald Trump,” Corridoni told the outlet.