The Hill has fired far-left commentator Briahna Joy Gray after she drew heavy backlash for rolling her eyes at a survivor of Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel on Oct. 7.

Gray, who was a co-host of The Hill’s “Rising,” shared a screenshot of the email she supposedly got from the network informing her that she was being fired.

“It finally happened. The Hill has fired me. There should be no doubt that @RisingTheHill has a clear pattern of suppressing speech,” she wrote as caption.

“This is 30 days written notice that your consulting services agreement is being terminated pursuant to the provisions of Section 5.3. For Convenience. Thank you for your contributions and we wish the best in your future endeavors,” the message read.

Her termination follows an interview Gray had with Yarden Gonen, the sister of Romi Gonen, who was kidnapped during the unprecedented Oct. 7 attack.

Gonen had been trying to tell Gray that she hoped she would believe Israeli women who say they were forcefully slept with during the attack.

Before Gonen could complete her sentence, Gray appeared to roll her eyes and cut her off.

“And I really hope that you, specifically, would believe women when they say that they got hurt,” the Israeli woman only managed to say when Gray rolled her eyes, sighed and cut her off to say, “Alright, thanks for joining. Stick around, more Rising coming up next.”

After her firing, Gray claimed that it was “clearly part of a coordinated effort.”

Gray, who was a former staffer for socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), has been wrapped in controversy over her support for Hamas in the past, as she once reportedly expressed hopes that someone would drop “a bomb” on a building in which an event titled “Debate: Israel’s War on Hamas is a Just War” was being held because the audience rejected her pro-Hamas arguments.

During the event, Gray argued that Hamas does not wish to kill all the Jews in Israel and only want to establish a state “like what we have here in the United States.”

“When Hamas is talking about eliminating Israel, it’s not talking about killing all the Jews … it’s about eliminating the idea of a Jewish state, ending a Jewish state, ending an ethno-national state, having a state or like what we have in the United States of America,” she claimed even though members of the terrorist group have said that they intend to wipe off Jews from the face of the earth.