Political commentator and 2024 presidential candidate Larry Elder has officially suspended his campaign and thrown his support behind former President Donald Trump. The announcement, made on Thursday evening, comes with a call for Republicans to “unite behind Donald Trump.”

Elder, a well-known conservative talk radio host, expressed his gratitude to his supporters, acknowledging their enthusiasm and grassroots backing. He referred to the decision to suspend his campaign as a “difficult one,” emphasizing that it was made after a careful assessment of his campaign and the current state of the race.

“Throughout my campaign, I have been steadfast in my belief that the biggest issues facing our nation are the crisis of fatherlessness, the dangerous lie that America is systemically racist, the need for an amendment to the constitution to set federal spending to a fixed percentage of the GDP — otherwise government gets bigger whether Republicans or Democrats are in charge, and the need to remove the Soros-backed DAs across the country who refuse to enforce the law,” he stated.

He went on to address the main talking points of his campaign, such as “the breakdown of the family structure and the absence of positive father figures,” expressing hope that his campaign had shed light on these critical issues and fostered important dialogues about potential solutions which he believes would lead to a reduction in crime rates. 

Elder’s journey to the 2024 presidential race began when he announced his candidacy in April during an interview with Fox News. He justified his run by citing a “moral, religious, and patriotic duty” to participate.

However, his bid was frustrated by challenges, including low fundraising efforts and minimal support in the polls, which were so low that he did not qualify for the first GOP debate. In response to his exclusion from the debate, Elder threatened to sue the Republican National Committee, citing bias and unfair rules. While the RNC maintained that he hadn’t met the required criteria in terms of individual donors and polling, the longshot candidate accused party leaders of deliberately stifling his voice.

Elder’s exit from the race makes him the fourth Republican candidate to exit the Republican 2024 presidential race. Before him, the GOP had witnessed the departures of Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, former Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX) and Michigan businessman Perry Johnson, who dropped out last week, endorsing Trump.