President Joe Biden’s fitness was once again brought to question when a new video surfaced showing him tripping as he climbed up the Air Force steps on Tuesday.

After saluting the U.S. military personnel at the bottom of the aircraft’s stairs, he went on to climb the stairs, stumbling as he did. No real damage was done as he caught himself with the handrail and got into the Boeing 747 safely.

However, the video led to many mocking the world leader on social media, with one user saying he is “falling apart in real time.”

The X account Citizen Free Press shared a video of the incident with the caption, “Joe Biden almost trips twice on the short steps. The man is falling apart in real time.”

​​”Joe is afraid of stairs!!” Fox News contributor Leo Terrell wrote on X.

RNC operative Jake Schneider found it strange that Biden still found it difficult to get on the aircraft without incident even though the stairs were recently made shorter than it originally was.

“What comes after the short stairs? Strapping Biden onto a stretcher and carrying it?” he wrote.

“Lots of vigor on display here,” Conservative digital strategist Alec Sears wrote sarcastically.

He’s worse this week than last. His gait is worse! Picking up his feet is harder,” another user tweeted.

While Biden did not fall, the uproar his stumble caused is because he has stumbled up those Air Force One steps multiple times over the years. Because of his falls and stumbles, his team reportedly changed the stairs on the plane to a shorter one for easier access.

Per the Daily Mail, a Secret Service agent is also positioned at the bottom of the stairs to ensure he climbs up and down the stairs safely.