President Joe Biden was subjected to a ton of social media backlash on Thursday over a claim that Republicans are to blame for the ongoing border crisis.

In a post on X on Thursday evening, Biden blamed former President Donald Trump and Republicans for shooting down legislation that addressed the border crisis to an extent, saying that they failed to pass “the toughest border enforcement in history.”

“Donald Trump and his MAGA Republican allies don’t care about securing the border or fixing America’s broken immigration system. If they did, they would have supported the toughest border enforcement in history. Instead, they put partisan politics ahead of our national security,” Biden wrote.

Biden did not get away with his claim, as Republicans and political commentators quickly reminded him that he terminated Trump’s strict border policies that were working and paused the building of a wall across the southern border.

The account End Wokeness wrote, “You literally terminated Trump’s border security measures on Day 1.”

Another account pointed out how Biden’s actions from the day he took office led to the illegal immigration crisis.

“Biden took 94 executive actions in his first 100 days to decimate border security! Illegal open border policies are part of a deliberate plan to eliminate America as you’ve known it,” the account wrote.

Fox News reporter Bill Melugin noted that Biden could take executive action to reinstate some Trump-era policies if he wants to address the illegal immigration crisis so badly.

“One executive action Biden could take is to reinstate the national emergency declaration at the border that he terminated immediately upon taking office & declared to be ‘unwarranted.’ 3 yrs later, Biden himself has said border isn’t secure, & his DHS Secretary admits a ‘crisis,’” Melugin tweeted.

Some lawmakers also weighed in, with Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) tweeting, “On the very first day of your regime, you reversed President Trump’s policies that DID secure our border. Americans see right through your lies, Joe.”

According to Rep. Anthony D’Esposito (R-NY), Biden was trying to “rewrite the story.”

“You reversed @realDonaldTrump’s policies, creating this disaster. The toughest border enforcement in history is HR2 – the legislation @HouseGOP sent to the Senate over a year ago. Don’t rewrite the story. This is the #BidenBorderCrisis. You. Don’t. Care,” D’Esposito tweeted.