Just three days after his recent gaffe, President Joe Biden suffered another gaffe and this time, he claimed to have met with the late German Chancellor Helmut Kohl in 2021.

During campaign reception events in New York on Wednesday, he told donors that he met with Kohl during his first G7 meeting after becoming U.S. president. According to him, the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol protests came up and Kohl had asked him what his reaction would be after learning that 1,000 people stormed the British Parliament in order to stop the next prime minister from taking office.

Biden’s claim could, however, not have been possible, as Kohl could not have attended the annual meeting having been dead since 2017. It seems Biden was trying to talk about former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who was holding the position at the time and must have attended the meeting.

This would be the second time this week Biden would claim to have recently met a dead leader. On Sunday, he said he met late French President François Mitterrand at the same G7 meeting.

“I sat down, and I said, ‘America’s back. And Mitterrand from Germany — I mean from France — looked at me and said …”

He trailed off before completing his sentence, saying, “Well, how long are you back for?”

Mitterrand, had, however, died in early 1996, having been president from 1981 to 1995.

Biden has referenced conversations with dead people many times in the past. In the fall of 2022, he told supporters during a Florida gathering that he spoke with the man who “invented” insulin.

“How many of you know somebody with diabetes and needs insulin? Do you know how much it costs to make that insulin drug for diabetes? … It was invented by a man who did not patent it because he wanted it available for everyone. I spoke to him, OK?” he said to the supporters.

Insulin was discovered by two people who had been dead before Biden was even born – John Macleod, who died in 1935 and Frederick Banting, who died in 1941, a year before Biden was born in 1942.

Before that incident, he tried to look for late Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN) who died in August 2022 at a White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health in September 2022.

“I want to thank all of you here, including bipartisan elected officials like … Senator Braun, Senator Booker, Representative … Jackie, Jackie, are you here? I think she was going to be here to help make this a reality,” he said after scanning the audience for her.

Since then, the president’s cognitive abilities have been questioned to this day.