The Biden administration has unveiled a proposal to request $100 billion in aid for Ukraine and Israel. This ambitious plan, which has garnered attention on Capitol Hill, seeks to bolster defense assistance for Israel, provide crucial aid to Ukraine, enhance border security, and extend support to nations in the Indo-Pacific, including Taiwan.

President Joe Biden’s request comes in the aftermath of a recent deadly attack by Hamas, a group designated as a terrorist organization by both the United States and the European Union. 

While eyebrows have been raised toward the continuous aid for Ukraine, aid for Israel enjoys strong bipartisan support in Congress, reflecting the nation’s unwavering commitment to its Middle Eastern ally.

Speculation had been mounting regarding the administration’s response to the House Republicans’ move to remove funding for Ukraine from a short-term government funding bill. Initially, the request for Ukraine was $24 billion, but the new proposal seeks a significantly larger sum, combining funding for both Ukraine and Israel, as well as potentially Taiwan. 

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) expects the administration to submit this request to Congress shortly.

Schumer emphasized the urgency of the situation, stating, “We’d like to get the supplemental package moved as quickly as possible because the needs are great in both Israel and Ukraine.” 

The proposal includes funding for border security, a move aimed at garnering support from Republicans. However, this aspect of the package has sparked debate among conservatives, who also stood against the $24 billion request.

Cody Sargent, a spokesman for the conservative Heritage Foundation, expressed concerns about the border security funding, viewing it as potentially enabling the influx of illegal immigrants into the country. He argued that conservative support for border funding would require corresponding policy changes.

As details of the package continue to be refined, it’s important to note that this funding is intended to cover an entire fiscal year, as reported by Bloomberg. Andrew Desiderio, a reporter from Punchbowl News, confirmed the $100 billion figure, emphasizing that it encompasses a full year, making the allocation for Ukraine substantial compared to the previous $24 billion request, which was designed to cover only three months.