Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) suggested that the calls for Israel to have a permanent ceasefire in its war with Hamas are not practical. During an interview with CBS News over the weekend, he pointed out that Hamas is a genocidal terrorist group that wants to see to “a permanent war” against Israel. Hence, Israel cannot be expected to permanently cease fire.

The discussion was initiated by host Margret Brennan, who brought up the push for a permanent ceasefire by far-Left members of the House of Representatives.

In response, Sanders, who is Jewish, said, “So progressives like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Rashida Tlaib have been clear and calling for a ceasefire. You’ve taken some flack because you have not. The United States government is opposing a ceasefire as well, and they’re isolated at the (United Nations) on that point.”

When asked why he does not support the idea of a ceasefire, he stated, “In terms of a permanent ceasefire, I don’t know how you could have a permanent ceasefire with Hamas who had said before October 7, and after October 7, that they want to destroy Israel.”

“They want a permanent war. I don’t know how you have a permanent ceasefire with an attitude like that,” he added, maintaining that Israel “has the right to defend itself and go after Hamas.”

The Democrat socialist, however, revealed that he endorses “a humanitarian pause,” which he believes would have allowed the release of all Israeli hostages held by Hamas. In return, Israel would have allowed the “U.N. and other agencies to begin to supply the enormous amount of humanitarian aid that the Palestinians” in Gaza need.

Sanders has said in the past that he does not know if a ceasefire is possible with an organization like Hamas.

“I don’t know how you can have a ceasefire, (a) permanent ceasefire, with an organization like Hamas, which is dedicated to turmoil and chaos and destroying the state of Israel,” he said to CNN last month.

“The immediate task right now is to end the bombing, to end the horrific humanitarian disaster, to build – go forward with the entire world for a two-tier, two-state solution to the crisis to give the Palestinian people hope,” he added.

While it agreed to a seven-day pause in hostilities, Israel has itself rejected calls for a ceasefire as it maintains its mission of seeing all hostages freed and making sure the terrorist group cannot launch further attacks against its people like it did on Oct. 7. A bid by the United Nations to ensure a ceasefire in the fighting in Gaza was blocked by the United States. While U.S. Deputy Ambassador for Israel Robert Wood made it clear that the U.S. supports a world where Israelies and Palestinians “can live in peace and security,” it believes the ceasefire being called for is “unsustainable” and will only plant the seeds for the next war.