Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (R-GA) reportedly threatened to remove House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) over the government spending deal he reached with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

During a Friday discussion with former White House adviser Steve Bannon about the spending deal, Greene hinted at a plan to move to “vacate the chair” if the framework is not adjusted to meet her demands on the budget.

According to the Georgia lawmaker, she made it clear to the recently elected speaker during a meeting with members of Congress that she will not “support any type of CR [continuing resolution].”

“We aren’t continuing Nancy’s budget, Nancy Pelosi’s budget, and that if he moves forward with a separate deal, trading our border security, weakening H.R. 2 in exchange for $60 billion to Ukraine,” she insisted.

It was then that she revealed that she told Johnson on Thursday that she would move to vacate his speakership position if he continues with the “absolutely unacceptable” plan.

She went further to state that Republicans, who have a majority in the House, need to control the negotiations as they are the ones in control.

Johnson’s spending framework deal has not gone down well with many conservatives, including members of the Freedom Caucus. However, the chairman of the Freedom Caucus, Rep. Bob Good (R-VA), has voiced opposition to the idea of kicking Johnson from his speakership position over the issue. According to him, the idea of ousting the speaker is a “ridiculous supposition.”

Greene also criticized the idea earlier this week during a reaction to Rep. Chip Roy’s (R-TX) remarks that ousting Johnson is an option for House Republicans should he move forward with the controversial budget negotiation.

Greene had called Roy’s suggestion “probably about the dumbest thing that could happen,” as she stated that the last motion to vacate a House Speaker led to utter chaos for the Republican conference.

Meanwhile, Johnson said that he is sticking with the budget agreement. Speaking to reporters on Friday, he said, “Our top-line agreement remains. We are getting our next steps together, and we are working towards a robust appropriations process. So stay tuned for all of that to develop.”