Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) admitted in a recent post to X that the Democratic Party can only win elections by promoting class warfare, as he said they cannot rely on just pushing policies and programs in their campaigns.

In the post made on Tuesday, Murphy pointed to a recent study that showed a large majority of Democratic politicians were not tailoring their campaigns toward disparities in wealth.

The study Murphy cited highlighted how Democrat support has been dwindling among the working class since 2012.

“A new study showing that 4 out of 5 Democratic candidates don’t talk about billionaire and corporate power,” the lawmaker wrote.

He then suggested that “Democrats cannot win if we just talk about programs.”

“We need to tell a story – about how the concentration and wealth & power is ruining America,” he added.

Murphy’s tweet did not take long to attract criticism, as many pointed out that he had just admitted that Democrats are not winning over American voters through their policies and programs but are looking to win by pitting average American voters against the wealthy.

According to one user, Democrats have already “been doing a good job” of creating an oppressor class, creating an oppressed class and pitting them against each other.

Twitchy’s Grateful Calvin weighed in, writing, “Here’s Chris Murphy confessing that the only way Democrats can win is through division and class warfare. Thanks, Chris. We already knew that. You disgrace.”

Another user pointed out that Americans are more concerned about Democrats’ preferential treatment of illegal citizens, a factor she believes is the reason Democrats don’t win.

“Openly admitting they can’t win based on ideas. They need to encode fear and envy,” another wrote.

For a retired Virginia dentist named William Tabor, the implications of Murphy’s suggestion are grave, as he wrote, “Wealth envy is as much a basis for fascism and racism or antisemitism. Once you buy into hating people for success, you are on the road to scapegoating and final solutions.”