In a recent interview on HBO’s “Real Time” with Bill Maher, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) got tongues flapping with perhaps her most radical idea yet – giving the nation’s estimated millions of illegal immigrants a pathway to U.S. citizenship, complete with taxpayer-funded benefits to buy homes.

This comes amid her home state of California continuing to lead the nation in homelessness among its own residents.

Maher asked Pelosi during the interview about the extremely controversial bill in California that would give illegal immigrants $150,000 to help them buy homes.

In response, she said, “What I would like to do is move them to documented,” Pelosi said, adding that would put them on a path helping the economy. She said comprehensive immigration reform was necessary for the future of the country.

She concluded by saying that perhaps California, usually in the lead on such issues, may lead other states to follow in adopting what she termed “beautiful diversity.”.

But Maher wasn’t buying it. He challenged the reasoning behind shelling out such large sums of money to people who aren’t even legally in the country when so many American citizens don’t have a place to live. “But not free housing,” he interjected, testing Pelosi’s stance.

The Democrat said the plan was not about “free housing” but was all about making the American Dream of homeownership inclusive to more people. According to her, it was essential to provide such opportunities to those already in the country, regardless of their immigration status.

When Maher further pressed her to answer if she’d personally vote for the bill, Pelosi appeared to catch herself off balance. “Well, I’m not familiar with exactly what that is, but making the American dream of homeownership available to all people is something we have to do for people who are here now,” she said.

Maher then reminded him that this bill would only benefit illegal immigrants. While so many Americans do without, Pelosi is pushing to make sure illegal immigrants do not.